Among other popular kinds of sports such as FIFA, League of Legends, DOTA and StarCraft 2, PUBG betting is a newcomer in esports genre. Developed by Bluehole, the game is in the market since 2017 only but is considered almost a modern classic. In its first year itself, this kind of sports sold over 1 million copies. This also explains why PUBG quickly became a popular cybersports game. But what makes this title so special that it attracts so many betting fans and esports players? Let’s dig deeper and find out https://esportbetweb.com/
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Naturally Effective Holistic Healing

“Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height. Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth. Both are needed, and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes, simultaneously. The bigger the tree, the bigger will be its roots. In fact, it is always in proportion. That’s its balance.”


Why You Should Trust Us

Holistic and spiritual healing involves the whole person, not just the body, but also the mind and spirit. It is a constant process and we are here for you, every step of the way. Healing is making you discover the power you have within.


Popular Services

We offer a variety of services which have the same purpose: helping you become a highly improved version of you.

healing arts and spirituality

Healing Arts & Spirituality

When you feel lost and overwhelmed with all the problems and worries that you have to face every day, when you feel like nobody can help you, or you just don’t find the answers you’re seeking, do not give up! Contact us and ask for our healing arts and spirituality services. You can find here the tools and guidance you need, from Shamanism to Energy Healing to Spiritual Counseling and more . Let us introduce you to mysteries of the Universe.

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retreats and events

Retreats & Events

When we refer to retreats, the explanation can be complex. This idea is found in almost all communities, starting with Hinduism and Buddhism and ending with Christian and Sufi communities. The main purpose of it is to help people create balance between yoga and a healthy lifestyle that includes food and physical activity as well as helpful tools that people can use for their own self awareness and healing.

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astrology and numerology readings

Astrology & Numerology

Believe it or not, astrology and numerology have a great influence in our lives, starting with our personality and ending with our destiny and relationships that we create with all the people around us. Thus, the study of astrology can be a challenging activity, but a real must for those who are looking for self knowledge and a balanced lifestyle.

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tarot and oracle card readings

Tarot & Oracle Cards

The universal energy guides your life. Tarot and Oracle Cards are a powerful tool that helps people tap into the wisdom of this energy. Despite popular beliefs, Tarot and Oracle Cards Reading is not a form of fortune telling, but a mirror that reflects people’s destiny. These cards have the power to reveal even the hidden feelings and thoughts that people are not aware of.

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What People Are Saying

This is not just a portfolio or a collection of names. It is a list of people who managed to find their peace and happiness, due to our help. We are glad that we had the chance to meet and help them.

“My Spiritual Counseling and Healing Session with Isabela was so enlightening. She was able to assist me in digging deep to find the core issues I needed to work on to release the blockage I was experiencing. I was in awe of how quickly we were able to address what came up. As healers, we sometimes forget that we need assistance on our healing journey as well. I would highly recommend Isabela as a healer for healers and look forward to doing more work with her in the future. 

Thank you for sharing your gifts with me.


Angela B. (BC, Canada) , Spiritual Counselling and Healing Session

“I have no words, it was everything I needed to hear. Isabela was very kind and understanding of my situation and the paths I’ve taken to try and solve it. Through this she was able to help me come to different conclusions and insights that I know will help me further along my path. I’m excited to try the meditation she recommended and even more excited to hear from my angels the answers from questions asked during my session. It has overall reminded me of my power and my peace and that it is always with me.”

 Thank you, Isabela.

Andrea C., Spiritual guidance & healing session

“Isabela is a very powerful and intuitive guide who has truly helped me in understanding the hidden aspects of my personality. Here comes in the shadow work! Doing regression therapy with her was beautiful because it helped me go back to experiences I was holding in my body and truly release them. She is very authentic, real, joyful and beautiful guide into diving deeper into your own consciousness and healing the wounded aspects of the soul. I highly recommend her for spiritual counseling, shadow work and astrology readings!! She’s great at what she does and you know that you’re in good hands with this one! Much love and light!”

Raman (San Diego, CA US), Energy Healing & Astrology Reading

“Isabela’s Tarot reading is like no other. I have never seen someone who does such a thorough and profound interpretation of the cards. Her knowledge of astrology and numerology adds depth to the reading that genuinely speaks to your inner voice. Isabela accurately named my current situation, the way I felt about everything at that time and what is my work or options for the right outcome. There is no way one can get lost in her reading; Isabella’s eloquence gives a clear understanding of her reading. We were in a group waiting for her reading, and everyone just wanted to ask for more. She is that good. I believe it’s part of her soul work and she will not disappoint you. I still remember the lesson from the cards as part of my work on myself.”

Andrea, Prague (Czech Republic), Tarot Reading

“Isabela truly has the gift. She gave me great insights into who I am, where I have been, and where I am going. I implicitly trust her astrology readings. I am really lucky to have Isabela in my life.” 

Samantha (Toronto, Canada), Astrology Reading


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