
Mars Retrograde in Gemini 2022 – 2023

Mars, the planet named by the Romans “God of War” turns Retrograde from October 30th, 2022, to January 12th, 2023. The retrograde motion is an apparent move on the sky as there are no planets moving backward, it just looks this way from Earth as our planet is orbiting the Sun at a different speed than the other planets in our solar system.

Mars will start its retrograde cycle this year in the Air sign of Gemini and will stay in this sign for the entire period. The retrograde motion marks every 2 years and 2 weeks and lasts between 60 – 80 days. The last Mars retrograde was in the Fall of 2020 in the sign of Aries.

Mars governs Aries and Scorpio; thus, these two signs will be between the most affected by this transit. Their well know drive and passionate personality will tend to slow down and the energy directed more inward for introspection.

As the transit happens in the dual sign of Gemini, this will be more intense for all dual signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Mutable signs are flexible and very adaptable. Mutable sign in astrology implies to the quality of being adaptable to new changes and absorbing the energy of the immediate environment.

While Mars is retrograde in Gemini ruled by Mercury, passive-aggressive communications can be prominent. There can be some blockages or stalling of intellectual and mental initiatives. Passive-aggressiveness is typical of Mars’s retrograde cycles. While Mars is retrograde in Gemini, this can show up more often through communications, on the phone, on the road, with neighbors or classmates, and with learning or studies. It may create impatience with paperwork, directions, instructions, road transit, mechanics, computers, phones and electronics devices. Mars retrograde in Gemini can make us also return us to previous mental interests, past studies, old neighborhoods–even old devices, phones, and means of communication or transit. The challenge is to sometimes stew in anger because of not easily finding a direct or straightforward channel for releasing it. This is a time for really getting in touch with what we’ve been accepting on the surface of things, but that has been building inside as emotional baggage ready to surface when triggered at any time.

On a more profound and spiritual note, Mars rules both at the individual and collective levels, the masculine, sexuality, action, war, aggression and initiative. During this period, powerful upgrades and purge will take place in these areas; this will involve mostly releasing negativity and old programming from the Solar Plexus Chakra. 

Closure of karmic ties and toxic relationships being released and reorganizing things in our life will be the main focus in this period. It will be an Upgrade and purge of our Masculine collective as the Masculine is being pushed to become more conscious, reorganize his way of action and refrain from taking major decisions that could lead to frustration or even fights if we are not aware of how to consciously use the energy in this period.  When this cycle ends, we will be triggered to put into action all the things, we are not able to move forward with because of lack of good judgment, hasty and angry decisions that we can regret later. It is not wise to make final decisions based on what we’re hearing, thinking, feeling, seeing or experiencing now.

The General note for each sign is that our energy and drive will feel directed more towards re-assessing our current projects, the way we act as well as out desires. Rather than feeling the pull to start new projects, there’s a natural trigger towards introspection and retreat from major activities.

Acting is redirected inwards, which means that this calls for a well-deserved healing journey, healing of old wounds, it’s a very auspicious time to do that. So, plan that healing session, visit your psychotherapist for anger management, or simply go on a retreat that can enable you a safe, intimate as well as group supporting container that you can benefit from at this time.

Bellow are the domains of life where each zodiac sign will be triggered by this Mars Retrograde transit to review and reconsider. Look for your Sun, Ascendant, and Moon signs:

Aries: travel, communication, electronic equipment, studies.

Taurus: money, personal goods and values, talents.

Gemini: self-actions, ambition, physical body, image;

Cancer: health, relationship with God, self-analysis, letting go of battle;

Leo: friends, future plans, aspirations, ideals;

Virgo: public image, reputation, social status;

Libra: beliefs, principles, relationships with foreigners, studies;

Scorpio: renunciation, power, sexuality, unpaid money, loans.

Sagittarius: relationships, couple, association, marriage.

Capricorn: health, work, colleagues, daily schedule.

Aquarius: love, children, creativity, hobbies.

Pisces: house/home, family, dwelling, soul.


Mars advice : Slow down and think before you leap and throwing yourself into action!


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By | 2022-11-02T12:35:39+00:00 October 28th, 2022|Astrology&Tarot, Healing&Spirituality|0 Comments

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