
Mercury Retrograde 2019 (Part III): Mercury in Scorpio

This article is the 3rd part of a series regarding Mercury Retrograde in 2019. You can visit the first part if you wish to know more about the general meaning of what Mercury Retrograde means here.

With this article, we will mainly dig into what Mercury in Scorpio transit means in 2019 as from October 31st to November 20th (27º to 11º Scorpio) the messenger planet Mercury will be traveling retrograde through this Sign.

The traditional and general advice with Mercury retrograde is “Don’t travel, don’t sign contracts. Don’t marry. Don’t touch electrics!” This is mainly because the energy of Mercury is directed inwards for introspection rather than outside for our daily routine.

With the energy of Scorpio however, Mercury Retrograde will give everyone a sense of not being rational but rather emotional about things. You may become suspicious and untrusting about people, blasting at them without a tangible evidence. The energy is very emotional, intense and can unbalance things quickly, with Scorpio everything is either black or white and/or going to extremes.  We can expect a more difficult period with intense and hidden emotions: paranoia, jealousy, and anger can burst to the surface, we need to be cautious about these emotions in order to no ruin beautiful relationships.

Mercury in Scorpio can test you in the deepest regions of intimacy, whether the intimacy in question is emotional, sexual or financial. If you wish to pass the test of this configuration, you better tell the truth in any given instance – even if it might look messy, by the end of this transit you’ll see that it was the right decision.

The planet Venus (representing love, money, relationships and beauty) will conjunct Mercury for a while during the configuration giving Mercury retrograde a sociable, loving and feminine influence. This makes the right time to tell someone you love them or ask them on a date. It can deeply connect you with what you like and love about the other person so that you can express your affection. You may also easily receive compliments, love and appreciation from other people. Or you may just receive letters, invitations, gifts and even some money. You may revisit old friendships and make new friends. In general, Mercury Retrograde can cause some communication difficulties however with Venus by its side, the configuration encourages cooperation and negotiation. It helps you find peaceful resolutions to any disputes that may occur from the lack of sane rationale or by being too emotional.

So we can see ourselves as being more sensitive than usual and be confronted with our emotions more easily and intensely. Healing old traumas, compulsions or obsessions that we did not heal or understood until now can take the focal point of this period, using alternative methods of healing, rituals, hypnosis or energy work would now be a good investment in yourself on the long run.

These are the areas of life that  will be influenced by the Mercury Retrograde transit through Scorpio for each zodiac sign (search for Natal sign, Ascendant, or Moon if known):

Aries: renunciation, power, sexuality, unpaid money, loans.

Taurus: relationships, couple, association, marriage.

Gemini: health, work, colleagues, daily schedule.

Cancer: love, children, creativity, hobbies.

Leo: house, family, dwelling, soul.

Virgo: travel, communication, electronic equipment, studies.

Libra: money, personal goods and values, talents.

Scorpio: decisions, self- actions, ambition, physical body, image.

Sagittarius:  health, relationship with God, self-analysis, letting go of battle.

Capricorn: friends, future plans, aspirations, ideals.

Aquarius: career, public image, reputation, social status.

Pisces: beliefs, principles, relationships with foreigners, studies.

We are all being asked by this energy to contemplate, take time alone and listen to our hearts, order our thoughts, to be honest towards ourselves and to understand what we really need in order to be happy. Find the Essence in any given situation, relationships  and letting go of everything that no longer serves us authentically; knowing that what’s real it will always stay in our life.

This Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio will close the year of 2019 as it will be the last one. It will be a regenerating and re-birthing energy that will clear and clean things in our life just in time for the end of year in order to step into the new one with less baggage, renewed and feeling lighter.

Many blessings,


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By | 2022-11-03T18:28:07+00:00 October 24th, 2019|Astrology&Tarot, Healing&Spirituality|0 Comments

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