My World

Never underestimate the power of self-being, your intuition, and your actions. Meeting the right people, listening to yourself and embracing who you truly are, are the main elements of your Universe.
Life is a blessing. Healing yourself is connected to healing others. Thus, I will assist you in your path, with divine guidance, knowledge and wisdom. I will take you step by step until you achieve both understanding and joy. It is a magical journey of re-discovery, full potential, and well-being. I will listen, encourage and help you become a better and more authentic version of yourself.
My Story

Dear Reader,
I was born with a set of extrasensory perceptions or psychic abilities, gifts that I fully embraced and understood only later in life. As a child, I wished to share my talents, but was not able to do so for reasons that were out of my control at the time. The pain that resulted from not being able to express myself entirely and openly gave birth to an inner struggle that will later be the catalyst of my soul search, the true understanding of my existence on Earth and to my existence as a human being.
The trigger was when, after a period of depression, I started to meet the right people to begin the healing and transformation process which led to major life changes. After running so much from my gifts – which life let me imagine that they were a sort of curse – I was faced with the truth of recognizing and accepting them as a blessing.
Transcending one’s personality or Ego, the acceptance and the awakening that came through this understanding, finally created a great sense of peace in my life. I was guided to learn, practice and experience a variety of tools that brought me back from the darkness into the light. Slowly, but steadily, I was healing, discovering and stepping into my authentic self. Today, I wish to bring and share with you the wisdom and gifts that I was blessed with.
This is in short, the story of how SacredLightAlchemy started to be born. Through my consultations, healing sessions, teachings and retreats, my purpose is to empower, inspire people and assist them in their healing, awakening and Ascension Path. I am the guide that will hold space, make you aware and bring you closer to the next step of your soul evolution. I will assist you to cross to the next level – with empathy, compassion, and understanding – from pain and suffering to joy and peace.
I know now that we are conduits of the Divine Spirit and only expressing that energy, letting it flow, will bring magic to Earth and inspire others to do the same. It is our responsibility to reunite with our Higher Selves (The Inner Union) and re-discover the love and peace that exists in all of us.
With love,
What Can You Expect From Me
The evolution of the Spirit and manifesting the Divine on Earth. Inner Union with Higher Self, Sacred Marriage between the Divine Feminine and Masculine and Sacred Union with Twin Flame counterpart.
People on Earth have lost connection (Separation) to their True Identify and the Divine by identifying and attaching to their egos, traumas, projections, conditioning and stories.
Healing trauma from the root in order to reunite souls’ parts and integrating them by birthing a new consciousness. Develop Self Love as a base for healthy Lifestyle and Spiritual growth. Empowering people to be their own Authority.