
Believe it or not, astrology and numerology have a great influence in our lives, starting with our personality and ending with our destiny and relationships that we create with all the people around us. Thus, the study of astrology can be a challenging activity, but a real must for those who are looking for self knowledge and a balanced lifestyle.
People define astrology as the influence of the Universe on human lives. Every distant cosmic object has a great power on human’s destiny, even from their birth. The position occupied by the stars, planets, sun, and moon is a prediction of people’s romantic relationships, career, and economic fortunes.
Astrology dates back to the Third Millennium B.C and it is based on celestial observations and correlated events. However, astrology also helped lay the foundation for the development of astronomy.
Astrology, as well as the divine arts, was intensely used by old Egyptian, Greeks, or Romans, as a way to reveal the will of God for humans on Earth. The art of reading the stars is a tool that helps us discover the path of our journey on Earth – the soul map. It can provide valuable insight of one’s life propose, major life lessons, karmic duties or a way to know oneself deeper at different levels of existence.
It can also be described as a complex system which has many components such as signs, planets, and aspects, which can be read skillfully by a language knower helping to apply that wisdom to your life.
A. Natal Chart
The Natal chart is a screenshot of the sky which is taken at the moment a person is born. It describes the main personality of a person; the sectors of life the person most likely will spend their energy and learn important lessons.
- Who am I and how can I get to know myself better?
- What is my mission or my life’s purpose?
What are my life lessons, karmic debts?
- What are the most important domains in my life?
- How to find my way through this current life challenge?
B. Annual Chart
The Annual Chart represents a graphic representation of the moment in time when a person’s Sun had the same degree to the moment at birth. It is a standalone chart that will give precious guidelines for the year to come following one’s birthday:
- What is this year offering and what can I expect?
- What is the domain of life that I am going to find challenging or rewarding?
- Is this year beneficial to start the project of my choice (marriage, baby, business, home)?
C. Compatibility
The Compatibility chart or the Synastry is a chart that consists of two people’s individual charts put together. It reveals the main theme and the lessons that the couple will learn together, the degree of compatibility. It also shows the possible challenges and the possibilities of overcoming them.
What is my relationship style?
What is my partner’s relationship style?
How to improve my relationship with another?
Is this my soul mate/twin flame?
D. Event Planning Date
Astrology helps you pick the right moment for any life event: marriage, starting a business, birth, signing a contract, and more. Choose the best window of time for your event so that the Universe can blow into your wings!

Is the law and the art of how our physical world, and through extension, the Universe is structured, according to numbers. The numbers have a vibrational energy and they correspond to basic numbers from 1 to 9.
Each number exists on different frequencies. We attract people, places, and opportunities that are matched to our personal energy, like a radio which is tuned into a specific frequency.
A numerology is a tool and a model of life, which goes hand-in-hand with astrology. Your birth date and name have a vibration that reflect the energy you are made of and which you usually attract in your life.

A. Numerology Reading
The Birth Date reveals the vibration of a person. It can describe the qualities and challenges that one can expect in this life. Besides the birth date, the Name of a person represents a vibration that makes them attracted or attracting certain situations and persons in their lives. The reading is usually combined with some astrological insights as well.
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