Dec. 6, 2024 to Feb. 23, 2025 Mars retrograde in Leo and Cancer

From Friday, December 6, to Sunday, February 23, Mars—the planet that drives our energy, ambition, passion, and even our tempers—will retrograde through the bold, fiery Leo and the emotionally charged, nurturing Cancer. For nearly three months, we’ll be nudged to reflect deeply on how we’re pursuing our dreams, channelling anger, and fuelling our desires. Mercury is already in Retrograde motion for another 2 weeks and just like Mercury, this cosmic shift can bring delays and frustrations, particularly in areas tied to Mars, such as motivation, momentum, and bold aspirations. But Mars retrogrades are far rarer, occurring only once every two years or so (the last one was in Gemini from October 30, 2022, to January 12, 2023). This makes them a unique invitation to reassess and realign with your goals. Here’s how to make the most of this powerful period of reflection and recalibration.

When Mars charges forward in Leo, a sign ruled by the life-giving sun, we often feel more energized, confident, and determined to stick to the plans we’ve set in motion. But when Mars moves backward in Leo, it encourages introspection, pushing you to explore how your self-confidence and personal expression align with your ambition—and how a touch more flexibility might enhance your productivity.

When Mars is direct in Cancer, motivation tends to ebb and flow with your emotions, and your approach to desires might be more subtle—sometimes even leaning toward passive-aggressiveness. During its retrograde in Cancer, however, you’ll have the opportunity to confront lingering emotional wounds, especially those tied to your inner world and familial connections.

Because Leo is ruled by the sun—the radiant star that governs self-image, confidence, and purpose—these themes will take center stage from December 6 to January 6 while Mars retrogrades through this bold fire sign. Known as a champion of self-care, Leo inspires reflection on how you’re prioritizing your needs, expressing your voice, and advocating for your interests. With Mars fuelling this process, you might also find yourself contemplating which spotlight you’ve been yearning to step into and mapping out how to make it happen.

However, tensions could flare around January 3, when Mars opposes Pluto in fixed-sign Aquarius, heightening competition, power struggles, and control dynamics.

From January 6 to February 23, Mars’ retrograde shift into Cancer offers a heartfelt opportunity to reflect on how you’re channelling your energy into nurturing your home life and relationships. It’s a chance to address unspoken frustrations or conflicts with loved ones, paving the way for greater harmony.

This period also invites you to reconnect with your emotional well-being. Insights gained now can help you communicate your needs with clarity, leading to a deeper sense of fulfilment and connection.

Here’s how Mars’ retrograde journey through Leo and Cancer might shape your experience, based on your sign.  

Look for your Sun, Ascendant, and Moon Signs:

Aries: love, children, creativity, hobbies & house, family, lifestyle, dwelling, soul.

Taurus: house, family, lifestyle, dwelling, soul & communication, electronic equipment, studies.

Gemini: communication, electronic equipment, studies & money, personal goods and values, talents.

Cancer: money, personal goods and values, talents & decisions, self-actions, ambition, physical body, image.

Leo: decisions, self-actions, ambition, physical body, image & health, relationship with God, self-analysis, letting go of battle.

Virgo: health, relationship with God, self-analysis, letting go of battle & friends, future plans, aspirations, ideals.

Libra: friends, future plans, aspirations, ideals & career, public image, reputation, social status.

Scorpio: career, public image, reputation, social status & beliefs, principles, relationships with foreigners, studies

Sagittarius: beliefs, principles, relationships with foreigners, studies & renunciation, power, sexuality, unpaid money, loans.

Capricorn: renunciation, power, sexuality, unpaid money, loans & relationships, couple, association, marriage.

Aquarius: relationships, couple, association, marriage & health, work, colleagues, daily schedule

Pisces: health, work, colleagues, daily schedule & love, children, creativity, hobbies.

Many blessings,


P.S.  Mars advice : Slow down and think before you leap and throwing yourself into action!


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