
Mercury Retrograde in 2024 (Part II): Mercury in Virgo & Leo

Every year, Mercury, the planet governing communication, commerce, transport, and language, undergoes an apparent retrograde motion in the sky, occurring three or sometimes four times annually. This retrograde movement is merely an optical illusion, as Mercury doesn’t physically reverse its orbit but appears to do so due to the positions of the planet and Earth as they orbit the Sun.

During Mercury retrograde periods, people often experience heightened challenges in communication and correspondence with others. Additionally, disruptions may arise in neighbourhood interactions, sibling relationships, and issues related to transportation or electronic devices.

In 2024, the Mercury retrograde cycle initiates in the Fire sign of Sagittarius for just one day at the year’s onset, followed by three additional retrograde periods in Aries, Virgo, and again in Sagittarius. These retrogrades traverse two Fire signs, symbolizing action, new beginnings, and adventurous spirits, along with one Earth sign, Virgo, known for practicality, discernment, and grounded perspectives. As Mercury retrogrades, it prompts us to review and reassess our endeavours, incorporating both fiery aspirations and practical considerations into our lives.

This article is the  2nd part of the series regarding Mercury Retrograde in 2024. You can visit the previous article if you wish to know more about the general meaning of what Mercury Retrograde represents and what what the energy like with the first Mercury Retrograde Transit in Aries here.

The traditional advice with Mercury retrograde is “Don’t travel. Don’t sign contracts. Don’t marry. Don’t touch or buy electrics!” This is mainly because the energy of Mercury is directed inwards for introspection rather than outside for our daily routine. However, this is a great time to revisit, review, resume, and resolve anything that will arise during this period or we have currently “on the table” in front of us.

Mercury’s Retrograde in Virgo & Leo (August 5 – August 28) – What to expect:

This Mercury retrograde will unfold in two distinct acts. From August 5 to August 13, Mercury will navigate Virgo’s meticulous realm before shifting back into Leo’s fiery territory on August 13.

When Mercury is direct in Virgo, it thrives on organization, clarity, and thoughtful communication, serving as a meticulous editor ensuring every detail is perfect. However, during the retrograde, these strengths can become liabilities, highlighting the pitfalls of perfectionism and over-analysis. Virgo’s efficiency may transform into obsessive overthinking and nit-picking, creating unnecessary stress and miscommunication. Even routine tasks might seem daunting, and the quest for perfection could cause chaos instead of calm.

During Mercury’s retrograde in Virgo, the key challenge is maintaining composure. Avoid overthinking, overanalysing, and overcommitting. Embrace Virgo’s methodical nature by slowing down, breathing deeply, and taking time to make major decisions.

As you adapt to Virgo’s energy, another shift occurs. On August 13, Mercury returns to Leo, remaining there for the rest of the retrograde and until September 9 once direct. Leo’s vibrant and theatrical nature thrives on creativity and self-expression. Mercury in Leo encourages grand gestures, bold declarations, and fearless creativity. But during the retrograde, this expressive energy can lead to excessive drama and miscommunication. Anticipate misinterpreted messages, mixed signals, and ego clashes. Prepare for inflated conflicts and emotional flare-ups over perceived slights, akin to living in a soap opera filled with dramatic exits, passionate speeches, and intense meltdowns.

And when Mercury retrograde moves into Leo, focus on moderating your reactions. Leo’s fiery energy can escalate minor misunderstandings into major disruptions if not managed carefully. Stay grounded, keep your responses measured, and remember that not every slight or setback is a catastrophe. You will persevere, overcoming challenges with resilience and determination.

Below are the domains of life where each zodiac sign will be triggered by this Mercury Retrograde transit to review and reconsider (look for your Sun, Ascendant, and Moon Signs):

Aries: health, work, colleagues, daily schedule & love, children, creativity, hobbies.

Taurus: love, children, creativity, hobbies & house, family, lifestyle, dwelling, soul.

Gemini: house, family, lifestyle, dwelling, soul & communication, electronic equipment, studies.

Cancer: communication, electronic equipment, studies & money, personal goods and values, talents.

Leo: money, personal goods and values, talents & decisions, self-actions, ambition, physical body, image.

Virgo: decisions, self-actions, ambition, physical body, image & health, relationship with God, self-analysis, letting go of battle.

Libra: health, relationship with God, self-analysis, letting go of battle &  friends, future plans, aspirations, ideals.

Scorpio:  friends, future plans, aspirations, ideals & career, public image, reputation, social status.

Sagittarius: career, public image, reputation, social status &  beliefs, principles, relationships with foreigners, studies

Capricorn: beliefs, principles, relationships with foreigners, studies & renunciation, power, sexuality, unpaid money, loans.

Aquarius: renunciation, power, sexuality, unpaid money, loans &  relationships, couple, association, marriage.

Pisces:  relationships, couple, association, marriage & health, work, colleagues, daily schedule

Many blessings,



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By | 2024-08-06T13:02:25+00:00 August 6th, 2024|Astrology&Tarot, Healing&Spirituality|0 Comments

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