Yoga & Meditation

All of our retreats have a different sprinkling of three elements: Yoga, Meditation, and Vegan food. The focus is to unite and balance the body health with mind and heart, a connection which can be done with the help of yoga poses, meditation and spirituality.
What to expect from the retreat?
learning how to meditate or improve one’s current meditations
learning how to use breathing techniques
yoga poses that you can combine efficiently for a daily routine and practice (it combines elements from Hatha, Yin and Restorative Yoga)
healthy tips on vegan meals
Although the program is daily and full of activities, the week is meant to be relaxing, thus it’s important to honor yourself when you need to take breaks or skip a practice.
Medicine Wheel

The Shamanic Medicine Wheel is the representation of all things connected within the circle of life. The Medicine Wheel usually focuses on the significance of the 4 quadrants that represent life in specific stages: the four directions, the four elements of life, the four medicines, the four seasons, the four states of consciousness, the four colors of man and four stages of life.
The Retreat is residential. The practice is split into modules as to provide a steady and integrative approach. Also, the new information and practices should give long-term results.
The modules are interactive and demonstrative, including examples, experiential exercises, energy healing techniques and processes, guided meditations. People receive one on one support from the trainer and they also benefit from alchemical technics by working with Mother Earth and the Sacred Fire.
Shadow work

The shadow, a concept brought to light by the famous Swiss psychologist Carl Jung — is the part of ourselves that we do not want to look at — qualities we deem unattractive, try to push away, to overlook or hide under the surface. Part of the shadow work is actually seeing the value and quality that it’s hiding underneath and that the person has not become aware of yet and did not integrate.
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” — Carl Jung
The Retreat is residential and has a well-thought structure that combines specific exercises and techniques that will trigger the person to understand and integrate the shadow side that is being rejected or unconsciously projects in others. By the end of the retreat, the person will have a kit of tools as to be able to continue the work and practice in their daily lives.
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