
Sun in Virgo and first New Moon of the fall season (Sep 9, 2018 at 2 pm EDT)

    Last week we said goodbye to a period of personal retrograde planets when we felt stuck and frustrated whenever we wanted to act and decide externally on a situation. It was a time for reflection and decision making on a personal, internal and more deep level so that we could have a clear picture of what is the right action when we welcome the Sun in Virgo for this year. The Virgin season provides us with practicality and the necessary tools to put our plans and dreams into reality as well as a good moral compass for a healthy and compassionate way of implementing them into our daily lives.

    In its trajectory, the Sun in Virgo will meet in a trine; a harmonious aspect and relationship, Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn both currently retrograde in these signs. The aspect will consolidate a steady ground and a solid base for our future endeavors as well as a state of being able to express (Sun) our uniqueness (Uranus) in a consistent and mature (Saturn) approach. Later on into the month, the Sun will have similar fructuous and beneficial aspect with Mars in Capricorn and Jupiter in Scorpio helping us to take action (Mars) in our lives being able to change any outdated and old believes about who we are at our core and how we should express (Sun) ourselves.

    Then, the new Moon in Virgo will take place on Sept 9, at 2 pm EDT. The Ascendant of this moment is in Sagittarius and the coming together of the Sun and Moon in Virgo will take place in the 10th house – the house of status and carrier – marking a period of carrier focus and public life that we can all benefit from by attracted and/or creating a new profession, reaching a new status level or standing out in a way that was never before displayed to the public.  Going back to the Sagittarius ascendant for this lunar cycle, with its ruler Jupiter in the mysterious, enigmatic and deep sign of Scorpio in the 12th house of spirituality, subconscious and deeper truths is pointing in a clear direction of clearing first our subconscious beliefs that we might have hidden in the “closet” and that would hinder our progress and/or sabotage our success in creating and manifesting the intention/s set for this lunation.

    Mercury, the ruling planet of this New Moon is at home, also in Virgo bringing more focus and emphasizing the Virgo energy, the need of clarity and practicality in communication or the way we approach a certain situation. It’s also a season of gathering fruits of our past labor, the seeds that we’ve planted and nurtured across the year in a consistent manner. Mercury is also making a trine – harmonious aspect – with Uranus and Saturn same as the above mentioned Sun, suggesting planetary support and new ways of grounding our creative speech in a unique and fun manner. It’s a good time of manifesting those “crazy” but so needed ideas that we are so afraid to implement or take the leap of faith and the first step is through direct speech or by repeating what we want to create using affirmations e.g.: ; I’m going to travel the world this year, I’m going to lose 20 pounds, etc.

    The following sectors of life will be influenced by the aforementioned energies depending on each zodiac sign (search for Natal sign, Ascendant, or Moon if known):

    Aries: health, work, colleagues, daily schedule.

    Taurus: love, children, creativity, hobbies.

    Gemini: house, family, dwelling, soul.

    Cancer: travel, communication, electronic equipment, studies.

    Leo: Money, personal goods and values, talents.

    Virgo: decisions, self- actions, ambition, physical body, image.

    Libra: health, relationship with God, self-analysis, letting go of battle.

    Scorpio: friends, future plans, aspirations, ideals.

    Sagittarius: career, public image, reputation, social status.

    Capricorn: beliefs, principles, relationships with foreigners, studies.

    Aquarius: renunciation, power, sexuality, unpaid money, loans.

    Pisces: relationships, couple, association, marriage.

    Many blessings!


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    By | 2022-11-05T11:23:22+00:00 September 2nd, 2018|Astrology&Tarot, Healing&Spirituality|0 Comments

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