
Yoga and meditation: first steps towards self-development and spiritual practice

Yoga is an ancient practice that was used in old India as a practice that helped the practitioner to be flexible, have the strength and balance to be ready to stay in a meditative position for prolonged time. Yoga exercises are a great tool to start your own spiritual practice. It’s the level where one can get in touch with the body, mind and emotions and become aware of the connection and communication between them. The practitioner becomes conscious of the present moment by focusing on the poses rather than thinking about the day that just passed or the rest of the day.

A regular practice will balance both yin and yang energies which are both present in everyone, be it woman or man, cultivating discipline and action with creativity and compassion. The body becomes more in tune with the chattering mind and they become friends functioning as a team. With the help of yoga movements, any stagnant emotions inside the body are slowly released leaving the practitioner with a sense of confidence and empowerment as well as relaxation and clear thinking.

Besides the above mentioned benefits it can mitigate any inconsistences the person can have in the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical bodies by re-centering them and providing a holistic solution.

Helpful meditation positions:

Besides yoga exercises we have the meditation practice that can be used as a tool for growing awareness and consciousness. At its core, spiritual meditation is the mindful practice of connecting to something that is greater, vaster, and deeper than the individual self. Meditation allows the practitioner to be the observer of everything that happens internally (thoughts, physical discomfort or reactions, emotional state, visions, memories, etc).

It may seem paradoxical, but the path to a higher connection passes through honest self-reflection. The connection with the body can make the practitioner more aware of how the thought and emotional patterns are formed as well as how they can be overcome by just being the observer and not giving them energy.

Although there are many meditation techniques that look to increase spiritual awareness (guided meditation, breathing meditation, active meditation, etc), they all ask for integrity and authenticity when looking at ourselves and the way we relate or view the world.

Both yoga and meditation practices will help the practitioner opening the mind to new possibility, being more authentic and self-assured, more in tune with ones way of thinking and feeling, finding peace and a clear mind while discovering a new ways of relaxation and rejuvenation.


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By | 2022-11-05T11:32:45+00:00 May 30th, 2018|Healing&Spirituality, Yoga & Meditation|0 Comments

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