
Shadow work. What is the Shadow?

By | 2022-11-03T18:25:17+00:00 January 6th, 2020|Healing&Spirituality|

The term Shadow, used by C.G. Jung, tries to be more encompassing than the term Unconscious, spread by S. Freud. It refers to the unknown parts of our psyche, but also to the unknown parts of our spiritual world. Our world is dualistic in nature, everything in the universe has [...]

From Wounded to Healed. From Unconscious to Conscious – Chiron in Aries (2018 -2027)

By | 2022-11-05T11:13:41+00:00 March 16th, 2019|Astrology&Tarot, Healing&Spirituality|

About Chiron The asteroid Chiron symbolizes our deepest wound, the seed of our spiritual transformation, and the Alchemist of our life. It’s significantly represented by a key shape glyph clearly pointing to “the key” that will unlock the treasure and answers to our deepest selves by healing our wounds that [...]

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