
Retro Style Summer of 2018

This summer we have seven planets that are going to be retrograde more or less in the same time; some started already in spring and some ending in fall:

Jupiter – Scorpio (Mar 9 – Jul 11)
Saturn – Capricorn (Apr 18 – Sep 6)
Pluto – Capricorn (Apr 23 – Oct 1)
Neptune – Pisces (Jun 19 – Nov. 25)
Mars – Aquarius & Capricorn (Jun 27 – Aug 28)
Mercury – Leo (Jul 26 – Aug 19)
Uranus – Taurus (Aug 8 – EOY)

The retro style dance will happen in sequence so that when one planet is closing its retrograde period another one starts and so on; however, some will remain retrograde in the same time. As a general note this means an overall review of our current projects, bringing the past into the present so that we make sure that the decisions we made are still solid and if not, reviewing and changing parts of them or the entire process.

With this being said, it is not recommended to initiate and decide the future of new projects or intentions we have set out minds on because by the end of summer (end of August, beginning of September) we might find that some projects are not relevant to us anymore of some have changed so much in the process that we need to have a different approach, but mostly that by the end of this, will have better options available to choose from and a clear picture of how to proceed forward with our plans.

On a more detailed note, with 2 personal planets (Mars & Mercury) going retrograde, this will affect us on a deep personal level. Our drive (Mars) will need to be redirected towards our internal life more, discovering and being more conscious of our behaviors of the way we make decisions and exert our free will in the outer world. Mars being currently in Aquarius moving to Capricorn in this period may suggest that if we have already a daring and innovative project in our hands and want to bring into the light to give it a more structured and more grounding look in order to solidify and have a good base for a successful starting point.

The signs (Sun or Ascendant) that are governed by Mars in astrology (Aries and Scorpio) will be affected mostly by this transit. Mars also governs action, sport, military, the gall bladder, etc. Spurs of internalized anger, frustration or heated arguments can be a result of not “listening” to the call of the universe of “holding one’s horses”, so taking time alone, going on a retreat, mediation time would beneficial for us in order to be able to safely navigate this wave and make the optimum decisions at the end of this period.

Then, our communication style or our mind and thinking process (Mercury) will be subject to review. Some beliefs and way of thinking may need to change in order to move forward with our plans. Like on any Mercury retrograde, the universe is asking us to re-think, reconsider actions, contacts and decisions from the past or current ones that we may want to proceed forward with.

This time, the retrograde being in the sign of Leo, the reviewing process can be related to our creative endeavors, to our children, way of expression or self-love. It is recommended to have an open heart (Leo governs the heart) in order to have a more wise view of our life situation, to have the mind in the heart so that our decisions are not based only on our logical minds but also on our hearts and the voice of our souls.

The signs (Sun or Ascendant) that are governed by Mercury in astrology are Gemini and Virgo and they will be the most influenced and affected by this transit.
Mercury also governs trips, roads, and ways of communication (press, phones, computers, cars, etc.); electronic devices but also our nervous system and our lungs. So possible issues such as delays, broken devices, etc. can be encountered while this energy is present; it is not advisable to make any major decisions or sign important contacts during this time.

The rest of the planets that are in their retrograde cycle during summer are generational planets and their effect will be more visible on the macro – global life than on the micro – personal life. The mundane aspect of this retrograde planets is providing clues of how the world at large needs deep restructuring (Saturn & Pluto in Capricorn) by transforming our beliefs (Jupiter in Scorpio) balancing the giving and receiving aspect of life by not hording or holding onto materialistic things (Uranus in Taurus) all this with the help of the Line of Destiny in Leo (North Node in Leo) that is preaching to all of us to keep our hearts wide open and have faith in the process.

Let’s be open to the energies and forces of the planetary movement so that we can recalibrate our lives with the one that the universe has in store for us!


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By | 2022-11-05T11:26:49+00:00 July 6th, 2018|Astrology&Tarot, Healing&Spirituality|0 Comments

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