
Chakra Healing Stones – Sacral Chakra

Next Chakra we will dive into is the Sacral Chakra or Swadhisthana which helps inform how we relate to our emotions and the emotions of others. Sexual energy and creativity is also governed by this chakra. To read about the first article, Root Chakra please visit here: Chakra Healing Stones – Root Chakra.

This chakra is located in the lower abdomen, three inches below the navel. Sacral is closely associated with emotional responses and often described as the “seat of emotion “or “dwelling place of the Self.” The second chakra of the main chakras governs our relationship with change. It’s also greatly connected with the sense of taste, the lymphatic system and with the reproductive functions in both females and males. 

The Sacral Chakra’s motto is “to enjoy life fully.” An open and balanced chakra will allow you to experience intimacy and love fully and freely.

The main two benefits for the sacral chakra lets you creatively deal with what comes out of your experiences and develop a response that’s influenced by your intelligence and emotional patterns. Second benefit for the Sacral chakra’s close physical connection with the pelvis and the reproductive organs is the center of your discovery for pleasure, whether through sensual pleasure or your daily life experiences.

You can also feel: Sensual, Feeling joyful majority of the time, Feeling emotional stable, and Connected to your feelings. It’s common for people who spend their days sitting or driving to experience imbalance in the sacral chakra.  When the muscles and tendons surrounding our reproductive organs get tight, it is harder for us to remain open to change and adversity.

One way to know if your Sacral Chakra is out of balance is that generally you will feel shame, guilt or internal pain. You’ll also feel that passion and just loving in general are hard to come by when you are out of balance and it’s simply impossible to nourish.  Other symptoms include: Self doubt, Depression, Acceptance of false reality, Emotional instability, Fear of change, and even Sexual dysfunction.

The color associated with the Sacral Chakra is most commonly represented by the color orange. The orange of the second chakra is translucent and has a transparent quality.  The moon crescent found in its symbol is sometimes shown as silver-colored and represents the link between the energy of the moon and water. The sacral chakra color orange and the Svadhisthana chakra represent a critical shifting point where dormant energy learns to express itself in the world and where the support system making up your Root chakra, or Manipura chakra, realizes its potential in your life and comes into fruition.

We guide you to try meditation, specific yoga poses or chanting to help heal your sacral chakra. The meditation would consist of getting into a meditative state, focusing on the energy being brought up through your feet and through your root chakra, then up into your navel.  Imagine a ball of orange energy forming below your belly button which grows larger and larger with each deep inhale.  The orange ball of energy will start to swirl in a clockwise position and you will feel a slight tingle in your lower abdomen and lower back where the chakra is located.  Continue working on this until you really feel the energy.  It feels like a tingling or maybe a buzzing of energy flowing through you. 

Here’s another example of a guided meditation that you can do while using one your your favorite crystals or if you want to be more potent and healing, choose those that are specific to this Chakra:


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In addition, there are many stones and crystals you can use to cleanse and bring your Sacral Chakra back into alignment. Here are a few suggestions…

Carnelian, the stone of creativity, motivation, endurance, leadership and courage all wrapped into one gorgeous small crystal. This is many people’s go-to crystal for healing the Sacral. It soothes and balances energy flows and encourages confidence. This stone was linked to the fertility goddess Aphrodite (Isis) with a remarkable ability to boost passion, intuition and self-belief. This carnelian stone has a warm joyful energy that will revitalize and balance the Sacral Chakra, helping you move forward with renewed confidence. 


Orange Calcite is the crystal to help open and balance the Sacral Chakra. So if you think you are experiencing any blockages- this is the stone to go to for immediate help. Orange calcite will also push you to reach your full potential. This stone sees the truth in things and is emotionally encouraging and supports you by energizing and cleansing the Sacral. It helps get positive energy flowing and dissolves bad habits for true insight to follow.  

However, this is not just a the stone for amplification and creativity though, it can also help if you’re lacking willpower or feeling negatively influenced by those around you.


 Tiger’s Eye It is known for its ability to help us feel more courageous, confident, and balanced. It improves emotional stability and helps us to find creative solutions to our problems. This “all seeing eye” helps us to integrate our physical lives with our spiritual lives. It provides a grounding energy yet it helps us to tap into our intuition and insight. This crystal helps us attract wealth and manifest change. It supports us with willpower, emotional strength, and physical strength. It also provides hormone balance and support for fertility and the stomach. 

Finally, we can very well work with one type of crystal or combining them together to enhance the similar properties that are specific to this chakra.


Be well and loved, namaste! 


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By | 2022-11-03T18:09:54+00:00 April 20th, 2021|Healing&Spirituality, Yoga & Meditation|0 Comments

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