
Chakra Healing Stones – Third Eye Chakra

The sixth chakra we will be discussing is: The Third Eye chakra or “Ajna”, which means “command” and “perceiving”. This chakra is related to the “supreme element”, which is the combination of all the elements in their pure form. Located in the center of the forehead, it acts as the individual’s center of wisdom, conscience, and higher consciousness. To read about our previous article, Throat Chakra please visit: Chakra Healing Stones – Throat Chakra.

The Third eye chakra is associated with Wisdom

The third eye chakra symbolizes your connection to wisdom and insight, allowing you to access the inner guidance that comes from deep within your being. This enables you to cut through illusion and access deeper truths. The gift of your sixth chakra is the ability to be mindful and live in the present moment.

Third eye chakra color

The third eye chakra is most commonly represented with the color purple or bluish purple. The auric color of third eye chakra energy can also be seen as translucent purple or bluish white.

The Best Crystals for Balancing Your Third Eye Chakra

Third eye chakra crystals help with connecting one to their higher consciousness. Stones that are blue and purple, which are the colors connected to this chakra, are most often used for healing in this area. 

Amethyst is a sensory focus crystal. In other words, it sharpens your senses and expands your perception by increasing energy flow through the third eye.

Regular exposure to amethyst can lead to heightened awareness not just through your physical senses like sight, hearing and smell, but also your spiritual and internal awareness through intuition and discovered knowledge.


Black Obsidian This crystal is a powerful cleanser that works well on clearing the negative energies from your aura and all of your energy centers.

In truth, black obsidian is a great all rounder for chakra healing in general. But for the third eye, the effects are particularly for self-esteem.


Shungite is a popular one as many people prefer to use shungite as their primary protective stone. This is because – rather than being carried around all day – it can be used at the end of the day to absorb the negative energies that have been picked up over the course of the day. For the third eye, shungite can help to clear the blockages that lead to emotional volatility.


When Blocked or Out of Balance

There are several ways to restore balance to your Third Eye chakra, including to use energy healing, such as Reiki, meditation, sound therapy, yoga, acupuncture or acupressure.

When the energy of the third eye chakra is out of alignment or not flowing freely, a variety of physiological, mental, emotional, and spiritual ailments can show up. For one thing, one might notice physical signs like tension in the brow area, headaches, eye strain, blurred vision, sinus issues, hearing problems, or dizziness. Cognitive indicators of an unbalanced third eye chakra may include dissociation, issues concentrating, nightmares, sleep disturbances, mental fog, and confusion (this is not intended to replace the advice and evaluation of a qualified medical professional).

Here’s an example of a guided meditation that you can do while using one your your favorite crystals or if you want it to be more potent and healing chose those that are specific to this Chakra:

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However, please remember that when we choose to care for our third eye chakras, it is important to know that only by pouring into ourselves will we be able to pour into those around us. By us seeking first personal wisdom, clarity, self-awareness, and open-mindedness, we are better able to grow fully confident in our paths and purposes, thus making us even more powerful in bringing about that which we wish to see in the world.

Be well and loved, namaste! 


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By | 2022-11-03T18:04:29+00:00 June 18th, 2021|Healing&Spirituality, Yoga & Meditation|0 Comments

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