
Mercury Retrograde 2023 (Part II): Mercury in Taurus

Each year, Mercury the planet of communication, commerce, transport and language starts (three or sometimes four times a year) an apparent Retrograde movement of the planet through the sky. The motion is not real in that the planet does not physically start moving backwards on its orbit. It just appears to do so because of the relative positions of the planet and Earth and how they are moving around the Sun.

The Mercury Retrograde cycle started this year of 2023 in the Earth sign of Capricorn, following three more retrogrades periods further down the year within the signs of Taurus, then Virgo and last one in Capricorn and geatting back in the fire sign of Sagittarius which will last until the beginning of 2024. These are all Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) which are very practical and down to earth and the last retrograde also with a bit of Fire from Sagittarius which will call for new adventures and a refreshed Spirit.

This article is the second part of the series regarding Mercury Retrograde in 2023. You can visit the previous article if you wish to know more about the general meaning of what Mercury Retrograde represents here.

The traditional advice with Mercury retrograde is “Don’t travel. Don’t sign contracts. Don’t marry. Don’t touch electrics!” This is mainly because the energy of Mercury is directed inwards for introspection rather than outside for our daily routine. However, this is a great time to revisit, review, resume, and resolve anything that will arise during this period or we have currently “on the table” in front of us.

Mercury in Taurus: April 21, to May 14, 2023

From April 21 to May 14, 2023, the retrograde will occur in sign of the Bull and this move will trigger Mercury, the planet of thinking and communication to touch this part of our personality transforming the way we are seeing things regarding everything that relates to Venus’ (Taurus ruled by Venus) domains:  values, relationships, personal assets and resources, money, beauty, etc.  Taurus is the sign of personal autonomy — over one’s finances, body, sexuality, values, career, style, and self-projection. With Mercury in Taurus, it may also suggest to review our values and virtues or even to be now challenged by the Universe in order to consolidate our faith and have a stronger determination to hold onto what we value the most in life. Taurus is all about grounded or embodied power, about declaring our inner wealth through outer self expression. Whether you’re living larger than you can afford to, or keeping yourself small to please others, it’s time to reset the balance. Now’s the time to get in shape, to change your personal direction from inclusive to self-contained. Take care of your physical needs, save money, and discern which engagements are really worth your time. Because with Taurus, it’s all about worth — and Mercury will shake things up until every aspect of your life is aligned with it. Pay attention to which illusory, limiting projects, and undeniable fantasies collapse right now, and question why you were trying so hard to keep them alive.

Mercury turns retrograde in between a Solar Eclipse in Aries and a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, making this a volatile period when we can expect endings, beginnings, and major turning points in our stories. The most intense and challenging period will be for all fixed signs and Earth Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, Virgo & Capricorn, marking this a time when major life events will take place which will radically reshape their life. Hold the intention for what you wish to create while remaining flexible enough to flow with unexpected changes. You may need to process some disillusioning experiences, but you will ultimately be able to reorient toward greater clarity once this transit ends.

Mercury, the god of communication, in Taurus wants us to live authentically, in alignment with our values and potential. If you face this retrograde head on, you’ll feel whole, integrated, and ready to show the world who you really are.

Below are the domains of life where each zodiac sign will be triggered by this Mercury Retrograde transit to review and reconsider (look for your Sun, Ascendant, and Moon Signs):

Aries: money, income, personal goods and values, personal talents, personal space, creativity, role of protector for others, new value system.

Taurus: ambition, physical body, image, intuitions, initiatives, independence, radical decisions, self- actions, pioneer, trailblazer.

Gemini: health, relationship with God, self-analysis, letting go of battle, connecting to faith, acceptance, visions, communication with the unseen world, end of cycles, completion of actions, situations or relationships, destined events that cannot be avoided.

Cancer: aspirations, ideals, future plans, friends, teamwork, use of modern technologies, unexpected changes in direction, social involvement, popularity.

Leo: career, public image, reputation, social life & status, marital status, the definitive end of some chapters.

Virgo: beliefs, principles, relationships with foreigners, change of mentality, philosophy of life, relationship with Divinity, spirituality, abroad, long journeys, new ideals, higher education, role of mentor.

Libra: money, investments, business, entrepreneurship, joined assets, inheritances, renunciation, power, sexuality, unpaid money, loans, emotional healing, interest in psychology and esotericism.

Scorpio: relationships, couple, marriage, partnerships, associations, clients, justice, need for balance and harmony, need to rely on others.

Sagittarius: work, colleagues, daily schedule, health, lifestyle, routine, interest in alternative therapies, service, need to be useful, cleanliness in general, interest in quality.

Capricorn: love, passions, hobbies, relationship with children, creativity, need to stand out, stage presence, leading role.

Aquarius: home, house, dwelling, soul, family, real estate transactions, change of residence, improvement of living conditions, care and protection for others.

Pisces: thinking, communication, contracts, transactions, exchanges, relationship with first degree relatives, electronic equipment, transport, roads, travel, studies, degrees.

Here are also a list of the activities that is best to pay close attention to and avoid or postpone until the period ends:

  • Signing important contracts (best time to change, review contracts and/or important agreements);
  • Buying electronic equipment (including mobile phones or cars, etc);
  • Taking any major decisions;
  • Travelling (delays, accidents, losing items might happen, etc);
  • Buying expensive items (you may see them on Sale after the period end);
  • Communicate a new release related to information and/or data.

Many blessings,



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By | 2023-04-19T13:15:49+00:00 April 19th, 2023|Astrology&Tarot, Healing&Spirituality|0 Comments

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