
Saturn transiting Pisces – Grounding our Dreams into Being – March 2023 – February 2026

Saturn transiting Pisces – March 7th, 2023 – May 24, 2025 and September 1, 2025 – February 13, 2026

On March 7th, 2023 Saturn enters Pisces. Saturn changes signs only once every 2 and a half years, so this is an important transit. The planet Saturn rules both Capricorn and traditionally, Aquarius meaning the planet is still in domicile – where it has been until this new transit in Pisces.

As the last planet visible to the naked eye, Saturn has always represented humanity’s boundaries between what is and what could be or the seen and the unseen worlds. Saturn takes a full 28–30 years to make a full revolution through the twelve zodiac signs. In each person’s natal chart, when the first return (same place it was at the moment of your birth) of Saturn happens , at the end of your twenties, is meant to start your adulthood; for cycle two, in your mid-fifties, helps give your life and work a higher meaning; and the final round, in your eighties, focuses on what you wish to leave the world with when you go.

In astrology, Saturn is the planet of tough love, hard work and reality checks through shuttering illusions and grounding into the real facts. Its authoritative cosmic presence helps all zodiac signs learn to overcome obstacles, strengthen their boundaries and grow stronger from their struggles. There’s no planet that teaches us to level up and face life’s challenges more than the stern and serious planet Saturn. Also, on the long run, there is no other planet that rewards hard and consistent work more than Saturn does – your reward will be well deserved and long lasting.

Saturn (the form) while in Pisces (the formless), will make order in the ethers of technology, culture & arts, pharmacology, and spirituality, firmly reshaping collectively a new future in these areas. The energy of Pisces is transcendental and is deeply connected with the realms of emotions, dreams, and mysticism. Thus, over the coming years, Saturn will prompt us to outgrow our escapist fantasies and fully face our feelings so that we can move forward more effectively. This transit is stripping us of our unhealthy coping mechanisms, encouraging us to find strength in being vulnerable. We will be inspired to embrace more discipline and structure in our creative and spiritual practices, helping us find more meaning and move out of superficial pursuits.

Pisces, as a mutable water sign, is known for its idealism and emotional free spiritedness, so Saturn’s harsh reality checks can be a little uncomfortable. But during this transit, facing the facts about what’s feasible or not will beat being lost in an illusion, no matter how sweet it may have seemed to us. We may get our rose-colored glasses pulled out, but we will also get the discipline and focus we need to turn those fleeting daydreams into something that is built to last.

Those with Natal Saturn in Pisces as well as Virgo (the opposite sign) will mark their Saturn return and opposition respectively. They will receive their first impression of the themes involving responsibility, maturity, discipline, and endurance that will become intensified as Saturn steadily moves closer to the degree of their natal Saturn. In a similar way, those with Saturn in Gemini and Sagittarius will experience also a maturity check demanding accountability and responsibility with regards to whatever issues arise.

Pisces is also known as the sign of sacrifice, of the ascetic who renounces the distractions of the world. So many of us will be faced with the fear of letting go of it all. Only in silence will we hear our true calling!

These are the areas of life that will be influenced by Saturn transit through Pisces for each zodiac sign (search for Natal Sun sign, Ascendant, or Moon if known):

Aries: health, relationship with God, self-analysis, self-undoing, letting go of battle;

Taurus:  friends, future plans, aspirations, ideals, popularity;

Gemini: career, public image, reputation, social status;

Cancer: beliefs, principles, relationships with foreigners, long term studies;

Leo: renunciation, power, transformation, sexuality, unpaid money, loans;

Virgo: relationships, couple, association, marriage, legal matters;

Libra: health, work, colleagues, daily routine or rituals;

Scorpio: love, children, creativity, hobbies;

Sagittarius: house, family, dwelling, soul, roots, ancestors;

Capricorn:  travel, communication, electronic equipment, short studies;

Aquarius: money, personal goods and values, talents;

Pisces: decisions, self- actions, ambition, physical body, image.

With Saturn moving in Pisces, our illusions will be shattered, then, our Dreams will be Grounded into Being.



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By | 2023-03-06T12:55:58+00:00 March 6th, 2023|Astrology&Tarot, Healing&Spirituality|0 Comments

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