
The 3 stages of Lilith. Lilith transiting Pisces (4th May 2019 to 27th January 2020)

In mythology, Lilith was considered Adam’s first wife who was exiled from the Garden of Eden because she refused to submit to him. They were both created equal from the same dust but Adam wanted to be dominant in the relationship, thus casting Lilith while Eve took her place, as she embodied the perfect wife role. As a result, Lilith is considered the archetype of the female sexual energy that is taboo and rebellious – she is the outsider, the prostitute, the witch, the demon and the other woman.

Lilith in astrology has multiple symbols: Lilith, Black Moon Lilith, Dark Moon Lilith, True or Mean Lilith, Lilith asteroid,  however it is structured as representing 3 different stages of the same energy and they signify 3 levels of feminine consciousness – it is present in every woman and in all men as a part of their own feminine side, however, for most people it remains unconscious or hidden:

  1. The Dormant stage – when the wound of being cast away and rejected is taking place
  2. The Distorted stage – when Lilith is being triggered and is expressing the result of the wound
  3. The Divinized stage – when Lilith’s wound is healed and her energy has become divine in nature and able to heal the feminine energy in others

The 1st stage of Lilith:

I will start with an example of how this wound is being formed: a woman is falling in love with a man and she’s happy to please him, in this process, she is allowing slowly to lose some parts of herself that the man doesn’t like or rejects as being inappropriate. The parts of herself that she now hides, become dormant. Worldwide, there are a lot of women that are still neglecting the parts of self that are making them whole by refusing to express them in order to not be rejected or abandoned by their partner, families or society at large.

The same story goes and is true for a child (when acting out, the parents may not be loving towards the child) or a person that is not being seen or fully accepted at home, in school or in society. This part of self that is being castaway remains hidden and in the shadow until one is ready to face it.

The 2nd stage of Lilith: At this stage, the woman from the above example is feeling disconnected and does not feel whole or fulfilled anymore by anything external: partner, children, carrier, material things, etc. At the beginning she can feel depressed, knowing at an unconscious level that something is missing – she is missing some parts of herself that she lost in the process of wanting to be loved and appreciated. Underneath these feelings of unfulfillment, depression or anxiety lays a vast and intense range of emotions that have turned into real “demons”: rage, lust (unexpressed sexuality), jealousy and even insanity in some isolated cases.

As a side note, the feminine energy is connected to intuition or the language of the soul – intuition cannot be understood logically by the 5 senses from which the masculine energy gets mainly their information from. In this process, women that are highly intuitive are considered “crazy” by the masculine oriented mind. From this misunderstanding and misinterpretation, we have in history, the inquisition period and the casting of “witches” burned at the stake by the religious figures and institutions.

At the 2nd stage of Lilith, the expression is similar with the releasing of the beast or opening the Pandora box, planning revenge against the masculine and trying to compensate all the past years and the pain that she needed to go through, thus she’s is showing her dark side: hating men, stealing their sexual energy by enticing/seducing them using her powerful sexuality and intense magnetism. It is the controlling, manipulative, luring and destructive energy that a woman is using for revenge and is destroying her and the ones she’s touching.

By accepting, being able to feel and learn from those emotions that she needs to face, she could heal from all the past hurts, thus inviting the divine archetypes of the feminine energy such as: Kali, Medusa, Shakti, Isis, Durga that reside in each woman and are waiting to be discovered.

The 3rd stage of Lilith: – by cleaning and releasing all those emotions in a conscious way, the woman is starting the healing process where the pain is transformed. She is reconciling with all the parts of herself that she has hidden in order to feel accepted and loved. She is now starting to be the one that is accepting them and loving those aspects inside of herself – it is a self love process. Now the rage is gone, she is fully connected to her sexuality, to her heart and she is becoming divine in nature.

The Lilith archetype is one of the most challenging archetypes one can work with, it is not easy and it’s hard to accept that one can be nasty, mean, misusing power, betraying, etc. Thus, it is easier to just keep those things hidden than accept those attributes as true. By healing Lilith archetype, we are healing the relationship between our masculine and feminine aspect, we are accepting that both are equality important in manifesting ourselves and they need to be independent and whole into themselves in order be able to be powerful co-creators.

One cannot go from stage 1 to 3 skipping the step where we need to face the ugly sides of ourselves and how we can misuse the energy, by accepting, loving these aspects, we are able to transform them into higher expressions of the same energy. As a woman, by accepting and loving Lilith, she will heal you physically, your yoni, your womb, the way you walk will change releasing the abuse from the masculine, stored in your hips for centuries.

She will help you opening up sexually: releasing deep trauma, guilt and shame;

Have strong and healthy boundaries in your relationships with others;

You will feel whole into yourself;

These are only some of the positive aspects once Lilith is healed and restored.

Going back to Astrology, the Black Moon Lilith entered the sign of Pisces recently. In this watery and transcendent sign, the dark woman becomes difficult to pin down and understand. While in Pisces, watch for tricky situations where the lines are blurred. Lilith carries the rage of being rejected, but nothing is overt and direct in Pisces. You may feel encouraged to deceptively take revenge or become embroiled in a situation that does not serve you.

Lilith in Pisces can feed more into the illusion or the addiction to what’s unavailable and the use of sexual energy that is diminishing instead of empowering. She’s all about female empowerment, but with this attitude, she can become the victim as she has a dark side and to deny it is to ignore who she really is. If you deny the desire for vengeance or anger, you make yourself vulnerable to her distorted energy. This can be just as destructive as using her rage to hurt others. She should always be treated with cautious respect – being like a wild animal, you can’t domesticate her.

The highest expression of Lilith here, would be to transcend the anger and forget about those who don’t accept or honor you. Try to rise above the rules, forgive those who have wronged you and forgive yourself if you’re hanging onto feelings of guilt or failure for not conforming to the stereotypes of good wife, mother or girl. During this transit, her energy is moving through the Sign of Pisces where there are no boundaries and in order to know her better, you must let her in and feel the energy with the intention of getting to know what she has to teach you.

Below are the domains of life where each zodiac sign will be triggered to heal and transform the energy of Lilith in the next months while in Pisces (look for your Sun sign, Ascendant, and Moon if known):

Aries: health, relationship with God, self-analysis, letting go of battle.

Taurus: friends, future plans, aspirations, ideals.

Gemini: career, public image, reputation, social status.

Cancer: beliefs, principles, relationships with foreigners, studies.

Leo: renunciation, power, sexuality, unpaid money, loans.

Virgo: relationships, couple, association, marriage.

Libra: health, work, colleagues, daily schedule.

Scorpio: love, children, creativity, hobbies.

Sagittarius: house, family, dwelling, soul.

Capricorn: travel, communication, electronic equipment, studies.

Aquarius: money, personal goods and values, talents.

Pisces: decisions, self-actions, ambition, physical body, image.


May you make the best use of this energy,



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By | 2022-11-05T11:10:56+00:00 June 10th, 2019|Astrology&Tarot, Healing&Spirituality|1 Comment

One Comment

  1. Lilyth October 10, 2020 at 11:51 pm - Reply

    Regarding Emma’s question, I would say that “accepting” is a dubious way of saying this as it implies we are passive in the process of going deep within, which is quite a contradiction. Actually, the best would be “work”, so we work our questions (“dark self”) and by connecting with our inner demons, we don’t “accept” our or others’ judgements. Thus, no need to fear anything whatsoever as by ~working~ you come to terms with your true self despite of anything, just like once done by LIlith. Thus, the inevitable result is awakening. No.need.to.fear.

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