
Venus Retrograde in Leo & Cancer – Love begins with Self Love

Venus Retrograde in Leo & Cancer – July 22nd, 2023 through September 3rd, 2023

Venus the goddess of beauty, love, relationships, money and pleasure starts its retrograde cycle in Leo on July 22nd  and then moving back into Cancer on August 8th until it goes direct again in September. Venus retrograde will last for aprox. 40 days, until September 3rd 2022 when Venus goes direct in the Cancer sign. There’s no coincidence that Venus is retrograde for aprox. 40 days as 40 is a sacred number in pretty much every religion and is usually associated with fulfilment of promises, but only after a period of testing, trial and challenges – the 40 days trial Jesus had in the dessert fasting and fighting his demons, 40 years that Moses spent in the dessert after fleeing Egypt to the promised land and so on.

Venus retrograde periods are times when we re-assess what and who we value. It can totally feel like a difficult transit, as we humans are generally wired to avoid having to deal with unfinished business and this is certainly what Venus Retrograde can bring to the table: past lovers (including past lives lovers), old friends, or repeating patterns in your relationships.

For those in existing relationships, uncomfortable truths can come to the surface. Things that the couple avoided dealing with will take a higher stand asking for immediate resolution or acceptance. Also, long term decisions such as marriage, divorce, pregnancy, buying an expensive asset, or making any long-term commitment should be carefully considered as we cannot have an objective view on the situation and mistakes that could be avoided if we had been cautious, might manifest and cost us a lot to repair after the veil of this transit lifts up.

In general, this transit can trigger a deep subconscious wound of buying things that we don’t need: things can look shiny on the outside but rotten on the inside so avoid buying very expensive gifts. In other words, during this phase illusion is real – whatever you see might not be.  So, in order to avoid being taken over by it, proceed with caution (testing and one step at a time) with any decisions one must take during this period.

Venus is the natural ruler of both Taurus and Libra thus, people with strong placements in these signs, will be the most influenced and triggered by this transit as well as all the fixed & cardinal signs i.e Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius then Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

With Venus Retrograde transiting in Leo then in Cancer, everything that Venus expresses at the energetic level together with Leo territories: leadership, gold, heart, love, affection, self-expression, being on stage, podium, politicians, creativity, joy, having fun, restaurants, sunny places, summer vacations, joys of life, entertainment of all sorts, amusement, performance, theatre, children, being creative, inner child, having your empire and Cancer territories: being a mother, mothering, emotions, intuition, intuitively knowing what others need, nurturing, taking care, sheltering the weak, and those who cannot take care of themselves, food, diet and what we call home, house, properties, etc – will be reviewed, analysed, confronted and scrutinized. We may feel a strong fear of rejection. We might also be re-assessing whether a relationship is contributing to or taking away from our desires & needs.

When Venus is retrograde in Leorepresented by the Sun which signifies identity, masculine energy, sense of self and confidence in astrology, Leo can have a tendency to be too self-focussed and self-possessed. This may be sometimes taken to an extreme, however, this energy can be directed towards self-awareness and creating a stronger sense of self. Devoting time towards these efforts can support healthier relationships. Because, when you know yourself, you also know what you’re worthy of and what you won’t tolerate with or from others, creating healthy boundaries and Self Love being the result. Leo is associated with the creativity, the fifth house of romance and self-expression, so now you can put your emotions into more creative outlet, a hobby that you overlooked or kept in the back of you mind now being the time to start acting on it. Also, Leo likes to be in the spotlight, the way you present yourself to the world publicly, so you may what to reflect on how you bring more value and be more of a leader in your own life – taking in consideration that respect and trust is earned and not a given.

When Venus is retrograde in Cancer – represented by the Moon which signifies the mother, the feminine energy, emotions, intuition, consciousness we may be prone to reconnect with the past/our past visits us, or to reconnect to our roots. Your own emotions could be more enhanced (especially in relationships) so it might be hard to express them without raging or bursting into tears. Being and seeing yourself more sensitive, avoid hardening your own shell and shut people out; or worse, ghost them. Communicate when it’s time to do so and avoid major breakdowns that you may regret later when this period ends. While in Cancer, Venus retrograde might get out your nesting home instinct. However, it is not the time to embark on any major renovations (they tend to be costly), however it is a great time to do your research and plan all the dreamy possibilities for turning your home and space into a sacred oasis or even buy a new home after this period ends. It’s time to connect with family, your inner world, review and revisit old plans related to home, family, relationships as well as self value, self worth & emotional healing related to your inner child or mother and femininity.

To make most of this Venus retrograde energy, try to bring some serenity and calm to your life. Embrace this energy to work behind the scenes and plan your next move when the energies will be more welcoming. Do some art or creative activity just for yourself and not necessarily to share it with others. Review all of the domains Venus rules, including the relationship you have with yourself and the level of Self Love you have reached. Practice lots of soothing self-care such as baths, massage, enjoyable body work, and healthy delicious meals. Go in nature as much as possible and try to keep things around your home that help you feel grounded or in nature. Burn green and pink candles to honour Venus to bring harmony in your home and life.

How is this transit affecting each zodiac sign and in which domain of life? Look for SunMoon and Ascendant to find out:

Aries: love, children, creativity, hobbies and house, family, dwelling, soul

Taurus: house, family, dwelling, soul and travel, communication, electronic equipment, studies.

Gemini: travel, communication, electronic equipment, studies and money, personal goods and values, talents.

Cancer: money, personal goods and values, talents and decisions, self-actions, ambition, physical body, image.

Leo:  decisions, self-actions, ambition, physical body, image and health, relationship with God, self-analysis, letting go of battle.

Virgo: relationship with God, self-analysis, letting go of battle and friends and future plans, aspirations, ideals.

Libra: future plans, aspirations, ideals and career, public image, reputation, social status.

Scorpio: career, public image, reputation, social status and beliefs, principles, relationships with foreigners, studies.

Sagittarius: beliefs, principles, relationships with foreigners, studies and renunciation, power, sexuality, unpaid money, loans.

Capricorn: renunciation, power, sexuality, unpaid money, loans and relationships and couple, association, marriage.

Aquarius: couple, association, marriage and health, work, colleagues, daily schedule.

Pisces: health, work, colleagues, daily schedule and  love, children, creativity, hobbies

What about you dear reader, do you need help identifying situations in your life that have created a loop you don’t know how to come out of where you don’t seem to find love for self for another? Do you need assistance with seeing this situation from a new perspective and finally able to tackle it? Allow me to assist you in this process by learning about or clearing some of the blockages you may experience when Downloading my Self Love Master Class . Also, you maybe consider making a more direct approach by scheduling a Personal Session with me in order to shed some light and try to heal this issue from its root.

Looking forward to hold space for you and assist you this this process.

With love,



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By | 2023-07-21T13:38:35+00:00 July 20th, 2023|Astrology&Tarot, Healing&Spirituality|0 Comments

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