
Chakra Healing Stones – Solar Plexus Chakra

solar plexus chakraNext chakra we will deep dive into is called the Solar Plexus Chakra, also called the Manipura (the city of jewels). This is the third of the main seven chakras in the human body and focuses on the seat of the soul. To read about the previous article, Sacral Chakra please visit here: Chakra Healing Stones – Sacral Chakra.

This chakra is located in the upper belly at the diaphragm and is considered the core of our personality, our identity and ego. This third chakra is all about the perception of who you are and is the center of willpower. 

The greatest gift with the Solar Plexus Chakra is sensing your power, being confident, responsible and reliable. The energy of the chakra allows you to transform inertia into action and movement. It allows you to meet challenges and move forward in one’s life. Furthermore, this chakra governs the digestive system and its respective organs; as a result, it has jurisdiction over both the gut’s emotional brain and stored emotions.

The challenges that this chakra brings along is being able to use your personal power in a balanced manner. People that have excessive third chakra energy reach to life circumstances with emotional outbursts and are often stressed out. 

The Solar Plexus motto is, “You have the power to choose.” You can choose to achieve your life purpose or you can live out your karma and/or past experiences. 

The solar plexus chakra has a masculine energy and is symbolized by the color yellow or gold and by a downward-pointing triangle within a ten-petaled flower. Elementally, the solar plexus chakra is associated with Fire (as well as the Sun) and its mantra is, “I can.” 

When the energy of this chakra is out of alignment, common physiological cues include gastric or digestion issues like stomach pain, heartburn, acid reflux, nausea, ulcers or even a loss of appetite may occur. Other serious conditions include diabetes, hypoglycemia and eating disorders. Emotionally when the third chakra is blocked it can cause irresponsibility, excessive need for control, victim mentality, and feeling helplessness and insecure. 

Meditation or exercises that can help clear a blocked Solar Plexus chakra include movement in general which can create an individual sense of strength, growth and power within one’s self. Yoga specifically is a powerful tool that can target this area including a Bow pose, Boat pose, Lion pose, Mountain pose, Warrior pose and Seated Spinal twists. Emotional tools to employ to help align the chakra back are visualization meditations such as breathing in and radiating back out of spinning golden light from the solar plexus. The chakra will grow wider with each breath. You can use vibrations of a drawn out vocalization of the syllable, “RAM” Lastly, affirmations can be super beneficial to incorporate into balancing out the third chakra to create a little boost like, “I am enough.” , “I have purpose.”, or “I am strong and capable” 

Here’s another example of a guided meditation that you can do while using one your your favorite crystals or if you want to be more potent and healing chose those that are specific to this Chakra:

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The best crystals to use for the Solar Plexus are mainly yellow crystals such as: the Citrine, Yellow Tourmaline, Tigers Eye, Yellow Jasper and Yellow Quartz. All help with clearing the body of negative energy that may be blocking and are used to heal. 

Citrine is a type of yellow quartz to heal and ranges in shades of yellow to brownish hues. This crystal is a premier stone of manifestation, imagination and personal will. Carrying the power of the sun, it is warm and comforting and energizes. This crystal increases clarity of thought, mental focus and protects and directs the use of the creative life force in one’s life. 


Tiger’s Eye It is known for its ability to help us feel more courageous, confident and balanced. It improves emotional stability and helps us to find creative solutions to our problems.  This “all seeing eye” helps us to integrate our physical lives with our spiritual lives. It provides a grounding energy yet it helps us to tap into our intuition and insight. This crystal helps us attract wealth and manifest change. It supports us with willpower, emotional strength, and physical strength. It also provides hormone balance and support for fertility and the stomach.

Yellow Jasper is used as protection for both the physical and spiritual world. It makes sure you are moving forward in your life and helps keep your mind clear and focused. Which in turn relieves your stress and brings you peace. It also helps with digestive issues and tissue regeneration. It promotes determination, helps you to tackle challenges assertively, and allows you to face your truth with honesty. The great thing about Jasper stones are, you can place this type of jasper in full moon moonlight to energize.

Yellow Tourmaline is one of the more rarer colors of tourmaline and can help clear the body specifically of negative energy that may be blocking. This is a very fascinating gem with a range of colors, almost 100 found in nature. This crystal can affect your emotional life by neutralizing anger, resentment, jealousy, insecurity and promotes altruism and social commitment. It loosens emotional blocks and takes care of the inner conflict accumulated in the heart and makes love flow more freely. 

Be well and loved, namaste! 


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By | 2022-11-03T18:08:08+00:00 May 1st, 2021|Healing&Spirituality, Yoga & Meditation|0 Comments

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